Curriculum Vitae

Comisión Nacional para la Protección y Defensa de los Usuarios de Servicios Financieros (CONDUSEF)

I integrated and led a proficient team of Software Engineers to develop, maintain, manage, and support the following Systems, Web Portals, and Mobile Apps:


Backoffice (Internal Operation)

  • Intranet
  • Módulo de asistencia para el personal externo – (MAPE) cliente-servidor
  • Módulo de asistencia para el personal externo – (MAPE) web
  • Sistema integral de información ejecutiva SIIE
  • Registro de Información de Unidades Especializadas REUNE (Subsistema Interno)
  • Aplicación asistencia personal externo – control de asistencia
  • Aplicación de asistencia
  • Consulta de biométricos
  • Desarrollo Informático de Recursos Humanos – Programa de servicio social y prácticas profesionales
  • Desarrollo Informático de Recursos Humanos – Personal (DIRH)
  • MC1000
  • MC3
  • Sistema control de pagos de telefonía
  • Sistema de control de inventarios (web)
  • Sistema de control de supervisión de reclamaciones de transparencia
  • Sistema de Registro de Citas
  • Sistema registro de visitantes (web)
  • Sistemas de Consumibles
  • Sistemas de Control de Activo Fijo (INVENTARIOS)
  • Sistema Administrador de Eventos (SAE)
  • Aplicación de notificaciones del sistema de turnos cliente-servidor
  • Directorio telefónico interno condusef
  • Sistema de administración de tic’s
  • Sistema de llamadas telefónicas
  • Sistema de registro de convenios y contratos
  • Sitio web del sindicato sinacondusef
  • Módulo de reportes REUNE
  • Registro de Despachos de Cobranza – Sistema Interno personal CONDUSEF
  • Registro de Despachos de Cobranza – Sistema Interno personal CONDUSEF
  • Ajustadores de Seguros de Automóvil (Administrador)
  • Registro y Seguimiento de Asuntos
  • Seguimiento de Actividades
  • Conciliaciones bancarias cliente – Servidor
  • Seguimiento de Delegaciones
  • Sistema de turnos
  • Sistema integral de mesa de ayuda (SIMA) para servicios generales (mantenimiento)
  • Arcon (LiquidOffice)
  • Sistema de Control de Gestión de la Presidencia de la Condusef

Business (Citizen and Financial Entities oriented)

  • Buzón de Mexicanos en el Exterior (web)
  • Sistema de Educación Financiera en tu Institución (SEFI)
  • Directorio de Enidades Especializadas (DITUE)
  • Encuestas
  • Registro de Información de Unidades Especializadas REUNE (Subsistema Externo)
  • Módulo de atención en Integra
  • Módulo de Atención en el Exterior (MAEX)
  • Héroes del ahorro
  • Sistema micro sitio educa tu cartera
  • Registro de Despachos de Cobranza – Portal Usuario
  • Registro de Despachos de Cobranza – Sistema Externo
  • Sistema de Pago de Multas
  • Ajustadores de Seguros de Automóvil
  • Buró de Entidades Financieras
  • Buzón de Mexicanos en el exterior
  • Calculadora presupuesto familiar
  • Cláusulas abusivas
  • Cuadernillos y guía familiar de educación financiera
  • Dale play a tu dinero guía para jóvenes de 12 a 17 años
  • Dale play a tu dinero guía para jóvenes de 18 a 23 años
  • Dale play a tu dinero guía para jóvenes de 18 a 23 años
  • Dale play a tu dinero guía para jóvenes de 12 a 17 años
  • Expositores
  • Guía de migrante
  • Guía Familiar
  • Juegos y cuentos de educación financiera
  • Operador Logístico
  • Portal trazos financieros
  • Semana Nacional Educación Financiera (SNEF)
  • Simulador de Crédito Automotriz
  • Simulador de crédito de nomina y personal
  • Sistema de escuela de estudios financieros
  • Sistema de tablero sofomes
  • Sistema portal semana nacional de educación financiera
  • Sistema Prensa
  • Sistema tablero sofomes administrador
  • Sucursales Bancarias


  • Biométricos BioAdmin BioStation (Suprema)
  • Biométricos LA2000 y FP7500 (ZKTeco)
  • Sistema Gubernamental Armonizado de Información Financiera (sig@if)
  • Sistema integral de Administración de Recursos Humanos (LOBO-RH)
  • Plataforma de Transformación Digital Alfresco con los módulos de Expediente Digital, Memorándum Electrónico y Oficialía de Partes Virtual
  • Sistema Contable Integral Financiero y Presupuestal (SICOFIP)
  • Control de Gestión (KMIS)
  • Expedientes Digitales  (EDI/NCIS)
  • Fargo ID Design and Printing Software
  • Jivochat

I worked with the Secretary of Foreign Relations (SRE) and the Institute of Mexicans Abroad (IME) to develop the “Attention Modules for Mexicans Abroad” (MAEX) software to support 14 Mexican consulates in the United States. I traveled to the Mexican Consulate in San Diego, California, to train the consulate staff on the new system’s setup, configuration, and use.

I wrote the RFP and led the procurement process for the acquisition and installation of the Corporate Human Resources Management System, based on LOBO-RH, a product developed by Lobo Software, S.A. de C.V. I coordinated the development of two additional modules, one to manage the Social Service process and the other for the control of the Medical Service. As System Administrator of this solution, I was responsible for the security and continuous availability of all its services, as well as providing technical support to the HR Staff.

I developed a system based on the platform named Liquid Office, provided by Infoviews to register and manage all the records of user files according to the General Archive of the Nation (AGN) regulations and guidelines. I made part of the first task force team created between the AGN, the Federal Institute for Access to Public Information and Data Protection (IFAI) selected Federal and Local dependencies, and The International Research on Permanent Authentic Records in Electronic Systems (InterPARES Project) to define the specifications of the Electronic Management Systems for Mexico’s Government; this served as the basis for the creation of the Federal Archives Law.

I led the group to test, evaluate, and define which would be the best option as a tool for our systems development area; different platforms were assessed, beginning with Microsoft’s Visual StudioBorland Development Suite, LiquidOffice, and GeneXus, being this the one selected.

For the purchase of GeneXus Developing Suite, which was supplied by bis Soluciones and Advanced Research & Technology (GeneXus Mexico), I drafted the RFP and oversaw the procurement process. I also managed and led the migration of legacy systems to GeneXus.

I worked together with the IT department of the Mexican Postal Service (Correos de México /Sepomex) to define a collaborative schema to automatize the correspondence sending and receiving process.

I wrote the RFP and led the procurement process for the incorporation of a new Imaging Management System (named EDI, provided by E emet Solutions, formerly NCIS) to Digitalize historic paper files, providing an expedited way to search and find any digital file while allowing a dramatic (>80%) reduction of paper waste (photocopies) and allowing clearing the offices from a large number of file cabinets which stored tons of paper. This Project included the integration, cleaning, classification, ordering, purging, and integration of paper files before entering into the Scanning Process.

I wrote the RFP and led the procurement process for the incorporation of a new Document Workflow System (named Control de Gestión, provided by KMIS – Knowledge Management Information System), to automatize the document management process across all Regional Offices.

I worked together with the IT department of Procesar (Retirement Savings System Authority) to create a module inside the corporate human resources management system to automate the generation of TXT files with contains information about personnel movements. These files must be mandatory sent monthly.

I wrote the RFP and led the procurement process for the acquisition and installation of a biometric-based assistance control system and its integration with the Human Resources Management System. Suprema biometric devices were used in this Project, supplied by Sistemas Integrales de Automatización S.A. de C.V. (SIASA).

I led the procurement process for the incorporation of a new Extract, Transform and Load (ETL) Tool to process business information. Pentaho was selected at the end of this processs, provided by VinkOS Tecnologías, S.A de C.V.

After the end of life of the first biometric devices, I wrote the RFP and led the procurement process for the acquisition and installation of a second biometric-based assistance control system and its integration with the Human Resources Management System. This time, ZKTeco biometric devices were used, supplied by DR SECURITY tecnologías de seguridad. This Project also included the closed-circuit television (CCTV) system for the Corporate Offices building.

I Installed, configured, and integrated into the Human Resources Management System, an ID Cards printing module, based on a High-Quality Fargo Color ID Printer. I made the Design of the Corporate ID Card, personally took ID photographs of all employees, and managed the enrolling process and delivery logistics.

I implemented, configured, and maintained the corporate Live Chat Service, based on Jivochat. This provides an innovative way to bring services to the users of financial services.

I wrote the RFP and led the procurement process for the acquisition and installation of a Digital Transformation Platform based on Open Source Software. For this project, the Suite Alfresco + Ephesoft was used, provided by iik Technologies. This solution replaces the systems EDI and Control de Gestion and allows the development of additional modules sharing the same database. The newly created modules include an electronic document reception virtual office, an imaging processing module, and a new module for document workflow.

I worked together with Infotec – Centro de Investigación e Innovación en TIC for the implementation of a Financial Management System named Sistema Gubernamental Armonizado de Información Financiera (sig@if) to manage the corporate accounting, budget, and treasury processes.

I worked together with the National Electoral Institute (INE) for the implementation of a mechanism to validate the authenticity of the INE ID Cards and establish measures against identity theft.

I worked together with the team of the Scitum company for the implementation of the Administrative Manual of General Application in Matters of Information Technologies, Communications, and Information Security (MAAGTICSI).

I oversaw and coordinated the social service program for the information systems field, which included students from several academic institutions, with the National Polytechnic Institute of Mexico (IPN), the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), and the Technologic Institute of Teziutlán (ITST) having the highest representation.

Information Technologies Freelance Consultant

In Apoyos y Servicios a la Comercialización Agropecuaria (ASERCA), dependencia a cargo de la Secretaria de Agricultura Ganadería Desarrollo Rural Pesca y Alimentación (SAGARPA), I Developed an Interactive Voice Responding system for remote consultation of current values of price hedges for agricultural products on the stock market; this system was based on a specialized (Dialogic) Voice Processing PC Computer Card and its proprietary Software which integrated via its Software Development Kit (SDK). I also designed and developed the system named Sistema de Control de Coberturas de Precios de Productos Agrícolas to manage the hedging of prices of agricultural products, covering the processes from the request for coverage to its settlement, as well as the registration and financial control of operations with the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), Chicago Stock Exchange (CHX), Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT), as well as brokerages in the United States (Smith Barney and others).

I Collaborated with the founders of Comisión Nacional para la Protección y Defensa de los Usuarios de Servicios Financieros (CONDUSEF) in the strategic planning for the Information Systems Area, defining its functional structure, position profiles as well as tools, equipment and resources to be needed. I also wrote RFPs for several Software Tools (ORACLE, Microsoft Visual Studio, Quest Software Database Management Tools, etc.) and supervised the systems development team. 

I Collaborated as an IT advisor with the General Audit Directorate of the Estado de Mexico Government in matters related to the equipment, telecommunications, and the regulated and uninterruptable power supply system for its DataCenter.

Servicio de Administración Tributaria (SAT)

Defined, implemented and managed the innovative Mobile Satellite Communication Project “MOVISAT” for the General Administration of Federal Fiscal Audit (AGAFF) in the Mexican customs, which consisted of the implementation of intelligent vehicles that had a satellite telecommunications link to the Processing Center National (CPN) of the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit and their mission was to review in real time and on highways, roads and border roads the validity, authenticity and non-duplication of the supporting documentation of the customs registry and corresponding payment of rights (Import Requests) that covered the merchandise transported in land cargo vehicles.

I developed an innovative and top-of-class Imaging processing system based on specialized software by Kofax, Fujitsu High Volume Document Scanners, and an Optical Jukebox (Storage Robot) to store all the images and retrieve them as needed. I assisted at the Kofax Headquarters in Irvine, CA to receive specialized training.

Defined and coordinated the emerging Opinion Capture project, meeting the User’s expectations on time (IMCP – Mexican Institute of Public Accountants).

Defined and directed a project to reduce from one month to one week the time required to print and send communications to taxpayers in 1998 and 1999 (Letter of Invitation to Compliance with Tax Obligations of the Taxpayer) with the help of MOORE, a provider specialized in the automated processing of continuous forms.

I was the Project Leader to develop the Administration System for Federal Revenue Participations for the General Directorate of Coordination with Federal Entities of the SHCP, in conjunction with the company Software AG, a parameterizable system through which they are calculated through different parameters and indicators the shares in federal income that the federation grants to the states. This system is unique in that the calculation mechanics are subject to a review and adjustment process every year.

Secretaría de Hacienda y Crédito Público (SHCP)

Since these calculations had to be done on paper worksheets and took between 15 and 30 days to complete, I created a multiplatform system (MS-DOS/Unix) to give Tax Auditors an automated tool to make tax calculations (taxes, fines, surcharges, updates). The calculating time was reduced to three hours using this approach. This innovation made it possible to operate AT&T Unix-based personal computers that had previously been inactive due to a lack of software.

Lojero y Asociados S.C.

Update of the COBOL version and translation of the SYSTEMEDIA system of the NCR company, a system developed in COBOL language, which operated on UNIX NCR TOWER equipment and controlled the processes of the Paper Mill (Continuous Forms).

Development of the Inventory Control System for replacement parts for CONTROL DATA computers (stock control in the warehouse, replenishment notices, assembly of KITS that the service engineers took to their technical support visits and where depending on the model of the equipment that presented failures must have all the parts that could be replaced.